Mi Especial Tesoro School
Mi Especial Tesoro School is in need of the tools necessary to teach computing as a way for a better future and more opportunities for their students. They need the equipment necessary to properly teach, the computers necessary to learn, and the furnishings necessary to facilitate an optimal learning environment. With the use of a large screen TV, 15 computers, tables, chairs and all the accessories needed to provide top-notch computer training, students will have a chance to excel beyond school. This well-equipped computer room will also accommodate books and have a library to further motivate reading and student development.
We invite you to partner with us to transform the lives of these 250 children, 24 teachers and 70 additional students in the accelerated adult learning programs at My Special Treasures School in Guatemala. Your generous support will provide a new computer classroom and library to the school and the resources needed for the hope of a brighter future. Together, we can make a lasting impact on this Guatemalan community.