At CCI we believe there is great strength in working with like-minded people who are passionate about empowering children to break the cycle of poverty.

Whether it is a staff member, or one of CCI's speakers, we enjoy visiting churches (or other large gatherings) in order to communicate clearly and passionately our vision.

Our speakers share our love for children and deep commitment to providing them with greater opportunity. With a wealth of experience in working for children around the world, our speakers will bring the reality faced by children, and the difference sponsorship makes, to you and your group.

Invite a CCI staff member or a speaker to your church or group gathering to learn more about how you can be connected to a child today.

Our Speakers

Martin and Susan Harder Speakers for ChildCare International

Martin and Susan Harder


Book Martin
Mike R. Schuster BC Ambassador for ChildCare International

Mike R. Schuster


Book Mike
Renée Barclay Philanthropy and Engagement for ChildCare International

Renée Barclay

Philanthropy and Engagement - Manitoba

Book Renée
Tony Webbink Western Canada Philanthropy and Engagement for ChildCare International

Tony Webbink

Philanthropy and Engagement - Western Canada

Book Tony

In 1965, Martin and his late wife Anne, began working in ministry by serving for 8 years at a church in Blumenhof, Saskatchewan. From there, they followed the Lord's calling to the community of Grassy Plains in central BC, where they served for 10 years. Their ministry there included preaching, teaching, starting and running a Christian School, as well as camp ministry.

Martin and Anne then served as field directors in home missions for 10 years. They recruited, trained and placed missionaries, and several Bible Camps were also started with the help of faithful local churches. Additional ministries included interim pastoral work in Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canmore, Alberta and Weyburn, Saskatchewan.

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, and sadly Anne was called to be home with the Lord and Martin was blessed to find Susan who had also lost her spouse and were recently married. We share in their joy of finding each other and in their commitment as a team to be a blessing to children in need.

Children's ministry has always been a big part of Martin's life and CCI has partnered with him since 2015. We know Martin and Susan are passionate about their love for Jesus and for helping children living in poverty, to a better life through sponsorship.

Mike loves to serve churches! He is a public speaker, singer/songwriter, worship leader, and ChildCare International Ambassador who lives in Calgary, Alberta with his wife Jennifer. Mike has released three Modern Worship CDs of original songs, "Singalongs & Pseudohymns" (2016), "To The World" (2011), and "Together" (2006). Songs from all three of Mike's albums have received radio play across Canada, and are being used in churches around North America and beyond.

During the past 14 years Mike has served over 150 churches across Canada advocating for children in poverty. In addition to 35+ years of experience leading worship (7 years as full-time Pastor of Worship & Arts), and more than 20 years of experience teaching at the high school and college levels, Mike holds a Bachelor's degree in Education (music) and a Master's degree in Leadership & Training.

Mike loves spending his weekends serving churches across Canada... preaching Biblical messages, leading worship, working with worship teams, facilitating worship team workshops, and encouraging people to sponsor children through the ministry of ChildCare International. He will gladly customize a weekend to serve the needs of your church! CONTACT CCI to make a booking with Mike.

Renée joined ChildCare International (CCI) after working more than a decade in communications for large and small Manitoba-based organizations. For many years she was also a freelance writer for Christian Week, writing news and human-interest articles about inspiring Christians in Manitoba.

After writing an article about a local dentist who had a ministry in the Dominican Republic, Renée accompanied his team on a trip to build a house for a poor family in the region. The trip forever changed her view of poverty.

“I remember visiting a village in a very poor area where displaced Haitians were living in dire conditions. I was struck by these people living in shacks without access to clean water or the most basic needs,” she says. “I realized then that what we call poor in North America is very different from the extreme poverty people experience in other countries.”

Reaching the world's most vulnerable people “one child at a time” through sponsorship and other donations resonates solidly with Renée. She is eager to use her marketing/communications and donor relations skills to help kids around the world receive a Christ-centred education.

Renée is also actively involved in national and local prayer ministries. She lives in Winnipeg with her husband and two cats.

Born and raised in Alberta, Tony and his wife Shaunna currently live in the Greater-Vancouver area. For over 30 years Tony has served in ministry, chaplaincy, faith development, church engagement, pastoral care, preaching, teaching, and advocating for community development and social justice. Tony gratefully acknowledges he has had a colorful life filled with incredible experiences that have wonderfully prepared him to provide compassion and succour to those in need.

Tony’s calling over 30 years ago was ministry to youth - an overwhelming burden ‘to see Jesus real in the life of young people’ - he celebrates that his service to ChildCare International is a natural extension of that original calling... caring for the holistic needs of some of the most vulnerable children in the poorest of poor circumstances, praying those children experience the tangible presence of Jesus through authentic care motivated by Godly love! That is something to be passionate about!!

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” -Rev. Carl Frederick Buechner